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Friday, August 28, 2009

Day 10 with the Damon Braces and Coffee

Status Summary: The painful teeth have become itchy.

Today I have this urge to bite. My teeth are starting to feel itchy and they are no longer painful. It still feels weird biting as I am sure they are still kind of adjusting.

My diet so far has been soft food and liquid food. This includes soups, rice with soup, overcooked pasta, noodle soups, mashed potatoes, tofu, ground meat. With this diet I think I have lost probably 1 pound.

Wearing braces really makes you think twice before you eat as you are supposed to brush after every meal.

I have been drinking coffee daily (at least 5 times per week) even after having the Damon braces put on. I had read on forums that if you have the Damon 3 (half clear, half metal), the clear portion will stain but will wash off with brushing. Good news! It is true thus far. My braces are as clear as they were the first day I got them. Maybe it will be a different story after a few months of coffee but so far so good.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great blog about having braces! You are truthful but not scary. Please check out my blog too--I think you will find it helpful. I just started out and its called "Amazing Braces!".
