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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Days 1 & 2 with the Damon Braces

Status Summary: All my teeth hurt... some more than other.

Initial photos:

I got my braces on yesterday afternoon. The entire process took about 2 hours (check-in, x-rays, impressions, braces, education, and billing). The experience of getting the brackets and the wires on was not too bad. It was a bit hard keeping my tongue tucked in with that restrainer they had and I had to swallow a few times which was hard.

After I the Damon braces were all put on they noticed my incisor was hitting one of the brackets. So they added some composite material on both sides which lifted my bite. Great, except I can't bite at all. The only 2 connecting points when I bite are the spots where they put the composite material.

No pain so far, just minor discomfort.

The last part of the appointment was the billing. I had to pay $200 down payment and the remaining balance was of $4900 split in equal payments over the next 18 months (fortunately I have a FSA).

Now on to how the braces feel...

The first day was not too bad. I was kind of excited because I was feeling no pain. I also felt a little bit of pressure on my teeth so I knew the wires were working. :D. However, 6 hours later I my teeth were getting very sensitive. I would say every single tooth was sore to the touch. The only thing that would relieve it is biting my finger.

It seemed to get worse as time went by. I woke up 3 times in the middle of the night due to pain (I probably tried biting or something).

On Day 2 nothing seemed to be getting better. My teeth were more sore and the inner lip started hurting so I put on some wax. I did realize that as long as I don't move my lips and keep my teeth from touching each other I was ok. The other trick is to keep yourself distracted.

I can't wait for my teeth to move so that I can get those composites removed and start biting again.

2 days down... XXXX more to go ...
Damon Braces Day 1aDamon braces Day 1b

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