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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Week 105 with the Damon Braces

Summary: Just done with another ortho appointment, unfortunately, not my last.

I went to see my orthodontist on Monday. It was overall a good appointment with many changes.

1. Minor wire adjustments
2. Power chains on upper and lower teeth

The orthodontist also told me that we want to get my braces off ASAP. He knows that by now I should have already had my braces off. I know! It feels like forever now, especially on these last few months. He said that we are trying to have them off by the end of the year.

My next appointment isn't until 5 weeks out. That would be the first week of October. I am assuming I would have another appointment the first week of November and maybe a last appointment the first week of December. This would mean I have about 3 months left.