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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Week 83 with the Damon Braces

Summary: My gums keep getting swollen

For some reason my lower left gum (right behind my last molar) keeps getting swollen every now and then. It sucks because I try to keep it clean but every time I poke it or use a floss it ends up getting swollen. It might be because with the rubber bands, the molar is being pushed too closely to the gum and the bracket and wire is poking the gum.

I am going to leave it alone for a few days. That usually helps but it does nothing good for my breath!


  1. Maybe you should see your dentist. My brother had the same problem when we were out of town and as soon as we headed back to Bartlett, dentist immediately checked it. And we learned that it was because he ate something hard that hit his gums. Our grandma on the other hand had the same problem in Memphis - implants were the result of it. And we don't want our brother to have those so soon. Don't let it happen to you, too.

  2. I would forget the floss and get a waterpik. I have had Damon braces for 15 months and rarely floss. I use a waterpik after every meal and at night before my bedtime brushing. It is much more effective at keeping the gums stimulated and clean. I get compliments from my ortho and dentist on how good my gums look. Once in a while when something is really stuck, I get out the floss, but in most cases, the waterpik can do the trick. You can adjust the strength of the water stream if your gums are sensitive at first. It costs some $, but it's worth not having to fool around with floss.

  3. My dad uses a waterpik but I am not sure if that really works and gets in between the teeth. Right now it isn't swollen anymore. I just had to stop flossing that area.
