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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Week 37 with the Damon Braces

Summary:Feels like I have a cavity or is that the feeling of molars moving?

Let me start of my talking about my weird pain. A few days ago I started feeling a slight pain on gum area by my upper right part by the molars. It want really gum pain but more like the pain you feel when the dentist is drilling your teeth to extract a cavity (without anesthesia). Every now and again I feel this pain when I jump or shake my head. However, I don't feel any pain eating, drinking cold water, or any other symptoms of cavity. For now, I am going to assume it is the pain of moving molars unless told otherwise at my next teeth cleaning

It has been about 4 weeks since my last ortho appointment and I feel like my teeth have taken a step backwards. I am not alarmed - it is just probably the way it works. The gaps in the front have closed (but not by the side - and it probably never will). However, now my bite is pretty much back to the way it used to be. My upper and lower teeth are hitting against each other. I also don't really see much progress with regards to my upper teeth widening out. Yes, I know, they are still moving even though we don't know it but the movements have slowed down drastically. I might just have to do another post showing time stamped pictures to keep myself motivated.

Also, I can't help thinking that I could have waiting 2 months and gotten clear brackets at my ortho. Why didn't the assistant tell me they were going to offer them?

So far the powerchains are still barely noticeable. Not much staining from the coffee I drink daily.


  1. I had mine done on March, I see changes within a month plus! I'm very very happy.
    check out my blog.

  2. Hi Michelle. I see great improvement on your picture. You will see a lot more in the next few months! I bet you can't wait :P
