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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Week 13 with the Damon Braces

Status Summary: No new wire

I went to my orthodontist after breaking my lower archwire. I was a little disappointed as he did not want to give a new wire but I guess Dr. knows best. According to my orthodontist, the reason the wire broke was 1) there was a large space between the molars and 2) my upper molar kept pushing the lower molar causing extra movement. Both of these observations were true and I trust him.

These past couple of weeks have been uneventful beside the wire breakage. I haven't really felt any additional pressure on my teeth. Has anybody else had the same experience?

Lately, I do notice my lips are dryer but that could be because winter is coming soon.

I have also made an update to my blog titles - I am going to start tracking by weeks instead of days as I noticed they will be increasingly large days if I don't change it. Yup, that also means I will most likely be having weekly updates from now on :D.


  1. Hey! Answer to your questions and some comments...
    Yes you wont feel any pressure or that itchy feeling after your wires being switched out, but it's still doing its' job.

    About your chapped lips, mine were like that too, I suggest you keep some type of lip balm and apply it every once in a while, like before you go to bed, and various times during the day.

    Hopefully this help...Ive had my damon braces since May 2009.

  2. I attribute dry lips to all of the brushing and all of the time your mouth is open with lips resting on wires because your mouth is adjusting to them being there and even as you're being worked on. A lot of air hits the lips and dries them out. My new orthodontist dabs me with petroleum while they're working and I bought 3-4 tubes of chap stick lol
    I had traditional braces for 3 weeks and am switching to Damon so my mouth is currently braces free..I have two premolars extracted on the right side and need o get the other side done. My dentist extracted and has a "bone" hanging out sitting in the space; it's been a month and my gums are just starting to feel normal after a stint of "dry socket" and a bunch of other nonsense. Needless to say, an oral surgeon will be doing my other extractions on the left side smh I had crazy orthodontists and dentist so I not only switched braces method and orthodontist but need a new dentist..the former one likes to tear up gums

  3. I love your blog because it is very informational and I like to see alll of the ways us braces wearers are actually very much in the same boat and do the same things and so it's truly preparing me for my future with Damon <3
