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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 42 with the Damon Braces and My First Follow-up Appointment

Status Summary: I got a new archwire!

Today was my first checkup / follow-up appointment since I got my braces on. I got there at exactly 3:00pm and was out by 3:20pm. What did they do? Not much actually.

I spoke to one of the orthodontist as this practice (they have 2) and he said this appointment is to basically check how I was doing with the braces. He asked if I had any major uncomfortableness in the past few weeks and how long it lasted. As far as I remember, the first week was probably the worst but very bearable.

He also asked if the composites were bothering and I said no. Unfortunately, these did not get removed and I don't think they will be taken out any time soon. The ortho said they will be grinding them down until they are completely gone to avoid my teeth hitting the lower brackets.

The next step was the change of the upper archwire. It took about 1 or 2 minutes. The assistant snapped the doors open with the tool, took the old wire out, put the new wire in, shut the bracket doors and that was it. She had minor problems with 1 bracket, but it seemed like it was because she did not place the tool properly. Other than that, it was a pleasant experience.

The ortho said the lower ones will stay as they are still bent - which means they are still working.

The new archwire are definitely stiffer than the old ones. I don't feel any real pain, just a very minor, almost unnoticeable pressure on the teeth. I am sure tomorrow I will feel it more just like the 2nd day with my braces.

My next appointment is in 8 weeks! Now, that is torture...

1 comment:

  1. hey have u got pics of when you first got your damons in?
