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Monday, January 9, 2012

Week 122 with the Damon Braces

Summary: As good as it gets

I have come to accept that my teeth will not be 100% perfect as they have worn themselves into specific shapes from before my braces. I think this is a good thing as I will have lower expectations next week when I see the orthodontist. I say this as over the last few weeks I have been noticing that the rubberbands haven't helped much in pushing my front teeth forward as I can still see my lower teeth are hitting them a little too early.

Also, ever since I changed to the rabbit rubberbands, I have been eating a lot of them. I don't normally take them off when eating so they end up breaking and before I know it, I have swallowed them.

Another thing I noticed is that it might be true (as the ortho said) that one of my front teeth is slightly larger than the other which is probably causing it to look like it is a little too forward. Hopefully when my braces come off, the ortho will be able to smoothen it all out and make it look nice and neat.

Fingers crossed it all goes well next week. I must remember to take picture right before, in case they do come off!

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