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Friday, October 21, 2011

Week 112 with the Damon Braces

Summary: Can't wait for my next appointment on Monday

Yesterday was an interesting day. I think after lunch I felt a little poke on my lower left side. Didn't make much of it as I thought it was the hook on the bracket poking me. And so, I continued my day as usual.

Later in the afternoon I was kind of cleaning my teeth from food remains and felt kind of funny when running my tongue over my lower left molar. My first thought was,  "I swallowed another bracket!" and thought about the hook and hoped it didn't hurt my internal organs and etc.

I rushed off to the bathroom and found that the bracket was still there! It did come off but because it had a power chain on it, it was still on the wire just not on the tooth.


  1. is damon braces also use rubber band?

  2. Toward the end you'll be using a power chain which is basically a long rubber band with holes to fit the brackets. This will help bring your teeth closer together but during the first 12-18 months I don't think you'll be using the power chain. You might be using rubber bands to move the teeth too but it is not like the conventional braces where you would have bands on each bracket.
