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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Week 63 with the Damon Braces

Summary: My teeth are almost aligned!

In a couple of days I'll be going back to the ortho for my next appointment. It has been a long journey with my braces and I wanted to summarize it below.

1) Lower left teeth used to be leaning inwards
2) Upper left teeth used to be leaning inwards
3) Teeth weren't all level
4) Teeth were not centered
5) Front teeth were right on top of each other

Much progress has been made so far. I think I am almost there!! The only really noticeable difference is that I have a crooked smile. Sounds weird but it is because I still have a cross bite on my left side which makes my left teeth seem higher than those on my right.

The pictures above were taken a few days ago.

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