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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Week 52 with the Damon Braces

Summary: 5 more weeks until my next appointment

I took these pictures last week so I am calling this entry 'Week 52.' Wow, it has almost been a year. I think tomorrow will be my 1 year anniversary with the Damon Braces.

From the pictures, I think there is a slight improvement on my upper left side. It is probably minimal, but I think the improvement is there!

Here are my pictures for week 52. This time around I went for a scary shot.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I've seen your diary, and I'm so impressed. I could see that there is really a big improvement from your photos. Well, I just moved to Myrtle beach. Dentist here are excellent. Before, I was so afraid to see a dentist because I had a traumatic experience with a dental procedure in LA. Glad that the Myrtle beach dentists here are so friendly and accommodating. Thank you so much for sharing your photos!
