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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Week 50 with the Damon Braces - Another Visit

Summary: New funky archwires and more pain :D

I went to the ortho this morning for my appointment. It lasted 15 minutes as usual. I got in, got a chair and I immediately got the ortho to take a look at it. First thing he said was "is it done yet?" Which is exactly what I wanted to ask. hahaha.

Afterward he said we will be changing both the wires and hopefully on my next appointment I will be getting rubber bands. Currently, I can't get the bands yet because my upper teeth needs to overlap the lower. I can't wait!!!

Once I got the new archwires on, I felt a tightness on my teeth (the best feeling in the world). I also noticed there were 2 wires poking out which was kind of weird - see the pictures below.

So far, I haven't had too much pain as compared to my other ortho visits. Usually, by lunch time my teeth would be really sore, but today there were slightly sore. I still had a hard time biting but not as bad as in the past.

At the end of the visit I asked, "How much more do I have?" and unfortunately I heard the words "11 months". I was not happy at all. At this point, I thought I had about 8 months left because he said we were half way through. So I guess my treatment is going to be about 22 months long. darn.

Next appointment will be in 7 weeks (not the usual 8 weeks).


  1. Love your blog! I am five weeks into my Damon braces. I look forward to reading more from you!

  2. Thanks Mad Margaret. The first few months with the Damon braes are the most exciting with the most visible changes.
