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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Week 98 with the Damon Braces

Summary: Infection

It seems like I have a small infection in my gum. It is located a the lower left side all the way at the back, where I used to have my wisdom teeth. I am not sure what is wrong but I got it soon after my ortho appointment. That means it has been there for over a week!

It started as just being swollen and painful (it has happened before). So I let it be. However, later this week it got a red spot with some bleeding. I flossed it out again and it seems like there was food stuck :S.

I have my cleaning this Friday so hopefully they'll let me know how bad it is. On the bright side, it hurts less than last week so I think it is getting better.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Week 96 Pictures

Here the the pictures I took a couple of days ago (after my ortho appointment).